Case management

Femili PNG’s new case management outpost in Goroka

Femili PNG’s outpost in Goroka at the Community Development Office

With the support of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, Femili PNG has opened a case management outpost in Goroka in February 2021. The outpost will provide case management services to survivors of intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual violence, and sorcery accusation-related violence in Eastern Highlands Province (EHP).

Femili PNG has outposted two caseworkers to Goroka, who are co-located with the Community Development Office. Working very closely with partners and service providers, the caseworkers will assist survivors to access services such as safe accommodation, law and justice interventions, medical assistance, among other services. Since opening its doors in February, the Goroka outpost has assisted 48 survivors of violence, including enabling 10 survivors to obtain protection orders.

The outpost will operate alongside other program being run in EHP, including with FSV community committees in Daulo and Lufa Districts. After in-depth information sessions on family and sexual violence, the leaders in these Districts formed community committees to address FSV in their communities. Femili PNG assisted these leaders to deliver awareness-raising sessions in their communities and will provide ongoing training and support.

Ms Daisy Plana, CEO of Femili PNG, expressed gratitude for the support of partners in EHP. “We are particularly grateful for the support of Community Development Advisor Ms Siviri Lalave and the team at the Community Development Office. Partners doing valuable work on the ground such as the Community Development Office, FSVU, FSC, KUSWA, Eastern Highlands Family Voice, OXFAM and others – we are looking forward to working with them and supporting them where we can.”

Ms Plana also voiced her appreciation for the funding support from the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative and the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). “The Spotlight Initiative and UN Women support has allowed us to establish this outpost, and the ongoing funding from ANCP through Friends of Femili PNG will allow us to keep it operational into the longer-term. The funds invested by donors will result in real outcomes for women and girls in EHP”.

For survivors of family and sexual violence in Goroka wishing to speak to a Femili PNG caseworker, call 7217 9445 or email [email protected]

Femili PNG Goroka outpost is supported by the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative and the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program.

The logos representing the Spotlight Initiative. From left, the Papua New Guinea crest, then the Spotlight Initiative logo with the tagline To eliminate violence against women and girls. Next the EU logo and the logo of the united nations. Finally is a circle representing all the sustainable development goals, and a square highlighting goal number five, Gender Equality.