Case management

Femili PNG cited by Pacific Women for quality of casework services


Femili PNG has been noted as a significant partner in the progress against family, sexual and gender-based violence in PNG by Pacific Women.

The report by Pacific Women outlines the progress and ongoing challenges that Femili PNG faces, as well evaluating support and casework services by partners.

Femili PNG was noted by the report for the quality of its casework services for survivors of violence.

“Many survivors get confused and frustrated and cease seeking support.

Case managers and community advocates support survivors to navigate the complex system of service providers and follow up on their behalf with the police for example.

‘Many stakeholders referred to Femili PNG as ‘best practice’ because it has developed protocols and strategies for improving coordination among services.’ “

Femili PNG is grateful for the ongoing support from the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea as part of the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program. Pacific Women is an ongoing partner of Femili PNG and the Bel Isi initiative, providing funding for casework services for survivors of violence.

The report provides an overview of some of Pacific Women’s work to empower women through local partners in PNG.

You can access the full report on their website, here.